Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Nightmare.

I woke up this morning, shaking, sweating, crying, and heart racing. It was another one of those nights where you don't sleep at all. The whole night I was in a panic. Mainly because of a dream that I had, or better said, a nightmare. I spent the whole night running, hiding and defending myself from a man who was trying to take me and do who knows what with me. And no one was there to save me. It was absolutely the most terrifying feeling, and I woke up afraid and defenseless. My mom has always told me that the way a dream makes you feel is a reflection of the way you are feeling in your life. Well I can't seem to figure out where I'm feeling like that in my life. So I'm begining to think that this was more of a sign. And I know we live in happy valley and stuff like that doesn't happen very often but I am suddenly very worried about it. It was bad enough in a dream and I never want a recurrence of the feeling in real life. So as a result I've decided to take self defense. I'm a tough girl and can hold my own but up against a 200 lbs guy I wouldn't stand a chance. If I ever get into a situation that calls for me to defend myself I want to know what I'm doing. I think every girl has the mindset that someone will always been there to come to the rescue, but sadly that's not the case. There won't always be someone around to save you, and if there's not, then what? Are you just going to give up? Not me, I don't want to go out without a fight.

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