Monday, June 20, 2011

Daddy's Little Girl.

A little blue eyed blonde taking her first steps
and Daddy catching her when she falls.
Reading books way past her bed time
and butterfly kisses to wish her a good night.
Too many dance recitals
and a bundle of flowers each time to congratulate her.
Hunting trips
and untradeable memories.
Life lessons learned
and Daddy there ready to give his advice.
and a another step into adulthood, but still a little girl in his eyes.
A tear soaked shirt as she faces her first heartbreak
and her first real love leaving.
And one day he'll face the day when he leaves her and changes her name.
But for now she's still his.
His little girl.
And he'll forever be her first love

Thank you Daddy! You are my hero. I cannot explain in words how much I appreciate all that you do for me. And although we may not always see eye to eye, I know we have a bond that will never change. You've made you're little girl into a woman who isn't affraid of what life throws at her or what boy breaks her heart. You've made her strong, and taught her that she deserves the best and nothing less. You are the smartest person I know and the best example a girl could ask for. Thank you for your strength and goodness. I can only hope that one day I marry someone who is half the man you are. I love you. Always have and always will.
Happy Father's Day!

Daddy's little girl

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