Wednesday, May 25, 2011

For all the girls.

In response to my last post, I've had a few girls have come to me saying that they're going through the same situation. Missing a boy. It's amazing how many people can relate to you. Boys... you can't live with them you can't live with out them. So this is for all you girls who have ever loved someone, or had a broken heart; It gets better. Losing someone is hard and sucks, but with time and the support of family and friends, you can over come anything.
I know that feeling of waking up wondering how you are going to make it through another day without him, hoping that maybe just maybe he won't be on your mind all day. Hoping that your fake smile will fool the world and keep them from figuring out the despair and hurt consumes you, then crawling into bed every night praying that your dreams will become reality and waking up again to find that you are just starting the whole day over.
I've been there.  I know how it feels to think your life will be this hard forever. But the truth is.. it gets better. I'm not saying that it isn't going to be hard, but you can do it. Behind every beautiful girl, there's a jerk who did her wrong, and made her strong. So find a passion that you can put your whole heart into. Find the person you can turn to, who makes you feel like you can conquer the world. Find the things that get your mind off your problems. And find the strength to push through another day. It's worth it. I promise you'll find him. Even if the one before was irreplaceable. If he was dumb enough to let you go, be strong enough to move on with your life. There is someone better. Believe it.
Life kicks you around sometimes. It scares you and it beats you up. But there is one day when you'll realize you're not only just a survivor.... you're a fighter. You're tougher then anything life throws your way. And you are.


  1. okay, i love this. you always right the most inspirational things and i can definitely relate :)))

  2. I wish I could hug you right now. Thank you for your words, I love this and appreciate it so much and I'm sure that so many other girls truly appreciate this post. You say what the rest of us need to hear and it means a lot.
