Friday, April 27, 2012

Living In Color

I think everything in life is art.
 what you do.
 how you dress. 
the way you love someone. 
& how you talk. 
you're smile and personality. 
what you believe in and all your dreams. 
how you decorate your room. 
how you party. 
your grocery list. 
the food you make. 
how your writing looks. 
the people you surround yourself with.
& especially the way you feel. 

The crazy thing is... 
it's all wonderful and exquisite in it's own unique way.

I think that's how we find the one we're meant to be with.
The goal is to find someone who can appreciate your art, and who's art you can appreciate in return.
It's not about sharing all the same interests..
or being the same person.
You have to find the one that lets you express yourself,
one that acknowledges your talents, and helps you continue them,
one that sees your potential, and pushes you to reach it.

The one that makes your art better.

[advice for the day:]
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.
Paint your life the way you see it.

Blue Balloon by Kallie Shores

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Just Take My Breath Away..

You know that feeling.
 That spark. 
That fire.
 That undeniable passion you feel when you first meet someone.
 It's the way your heart races every time they smile. 
or the way your mind wanders to the thought of them every spare moment.
 That feeling
Usually it's all a bunch of crap, and in reality it's just a fleeting feeling that soon fades.
but in that moment, it's beautiful. 
It gives you a reason to believe in love.
To believe that someone in this world can take your breathe away again.

Here I am.
heart pounding. mind racing. stomach fluttering.
I know it's wrong to expect anything.
but it's that glimmer of hope. 
that thought that maybe, just maybe this one will be something special
that's what keeps me believing in love.
To be loved.
 To know that there is someone out there who would give their all to only be with you, someone more than willing to share their world with you.
 Someone who will take your hand and hold it, and never let it go. Someone who holds you in their arms, someone who tells you he’s holding his entire world there at that very moment. 
A person who will love you with their all. 
To love and be loved
 that is something we All wish for.

Call me a dreamer.
I am
I trust too often and hold back too little. 
But that's just me.
I'd rather risk it all and get hurt,
then spend my whole life wondering what if..
what if that one moment could have turned into a life time.
[I learned that lesson the hard way]

heart pounding. mind racing. stomach fluttering.
that inescapable feeling.
i can't deny it.
nor will i.
cause it's an absolutely beautiful feeling.
Sia - My Love by MsKleona

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Caught Between A Woman & A Child.

Hey there little one...
        It's hard, I know. I know you think you aren't pretty  
        or good enough, but you're wrong. I know girls are mean  
        and boys like to break your heart but I promise that one 
        day all the tears, and heart ache, and all those moments 
        that hurt will all be turned to smiles. I know you 
        can't see it now, but one day you'll understand that the
        the direction you're going is the direction that is 
        leading you to the rest of your happy life. 

        Don't doubt your beauty or your intelligence. You are 
        beautiful being you. It's not all about the mascara and           
        clothes. It's about your smile, your laugh, your quirks,
        and even those things you call flaws.

        Promise to stay true to yourself. Don't change yourself to 
        fit someone else's definition of perfect. You'll make true
        friends and build real relationships by being you. And 
        you'll be amazed at the opportunities you'll be given. 
        TAKE THEM. You'll never regret the things you do, only the
        the chances you were too afraid to take. 

        Love each day more then you are afraid of it. You'll get 
        exactly were you're meant to be. Just be happy. It's all 
        worth it. promise.

        Hold your head high little one...


[the girl you're becoming]

Sugarcane by Missy Higgins

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Time In-Between...

24 months.
104 weeks.
730 days.
17531.62 hours.
63113852 seconds.

2 years.

This shouldn't be such a scary amount of time. 
but nonetheless it is.

Meet Travis Arthur Wing
My bestest best guy friend.

We met January 2, 2011, in our singles ward, and were inseparable from that point forward. 
We known each others dreams and goals
likes and dislikes.
passions and fears.
but overall we know each others heart.
I can't tell you how many hours we've spend just sitting and talking in his car.
It feels as  though I've known him my entire life.

So many incredible moments and memories.
I love you travis. 
& I couldn't be more proud of your decision to go serve the lord.
You have an amazing heart, I've seen it, and I can't wait for you to have the chance to share it with the people of Brazil. 
I have no doubt that you will be one of the most amazing missionaries that country has seen.
Work hard and remember...
"He never said it'd be easy, he said it'd be worth it."

Long Distance° Bruno Mars by lildevill

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

If Only It Were Easier...

What we crave most in this world is connection. 
For some people, that happens at first sight. 
It’s when you know, you know. 
It’s fate working its magic. 
And that’s great for them. 
They get to live in a pop song.
 Ride the express train. 
But that’s not the way it really works. 
For the rest of us, it’s a bit less romantic.
 It’s complicated, it’s messy.
It’s about horrible timing and fumbled opportunities. 
And not being able to say what you need to say when you need to say it.
 At least, that’s the way it is for me. 
Have you ever been in love? 
Horrible isn’t it? 
It makes you soo vulnerable. 
It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside and mess you up. 
You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life… you give them a piece of you. 
They didn’t ask for it.
 They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn’t your own anymore. 
Love takes hostages
It gets inside you. 
It eats you up and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like “maybe we should be just friends” turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. 
It hurts. 
Not just in the imagination. 
Not just in the mind. 
It’s a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. 
[momentarily] hate love. 
I won't give up cover by benjamin hum by benniehumm

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Part Of My Heart

There is only
[and it's your home]

"There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. But omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves- or lose the ventures before us."
-William Shakespeare

The beginning:
In 2003 the story began.
I was just an 11 year old girl who joined a trend but fell in love with a show that was more then your typical tv drama.

[I've even met some of the cast]

The end:
Nine years later...
 I'm still watching and still falling in love.
As funny as it sounds, One Tree Hill is a part of where I am today. I was in 6th grade when it began and now I'm a sophomore in college. I grew with One Tree Hill. And as I watched the series finally last night, it was almost heartbreaking. I felt as though a part of me was ending, almost like losing a loved one. I know it sounds silly, but nine years! Think of something that you've been apart of for nine years... it's just like that.
I've connected with characters and experiences, and I've learned a lot about living life. It's influenced my choices and had an impact on my attitude.
It's a part of me.
It's a part of my heart.

"It's the oldest story in the world. 
One day your 17 planning for someday, 
& then quietly and without you ever noticing someday is today
& then someday is yesterday 
and this is your life."

Monday, April 2, 2012

Note To The Lost & Lonely

I was reminded today:
"Recognize your limitations and don’t overdo it."
[great advice]

My new reminder to myself:
 Don’t get too down on yourself for not getting things done, or for not being somebody's definition of perfect. Try to eliminate thoughts revolving around a need to be “productive.” Recognize your needs and articulate them, especially when it comes to relationships with others. Realize there’s nothing wrong with being “selfish.” Cry when you need to. Identify and eliminate toxic people and behaviors from your life. 
Remember, you’re allowed to say “no,” and you deserve love too. Taking care of yourself and putting yourself first in a capitalist system is a form of resistance.

Lucy Schwartz - Gone Away by nettwerksync