Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Not Lucky.. Blessed.

It's Thanksgiving again...
and even though I had a week from hell,
I have soo much to be thankful for.
I could spend hours writing a list of everything but there are a few things that I am especially thankful for.

The Power Of Love..
It still amazes me the sheer power love has.
It can make or break a family, a relationship, and a heart.
This is what we live for.
To love and be loved that is everything.
I'm thankful for the love I've received...
whether it was for an hour, a night, or a lifetime.

The Middle Moments..
Someone once told me, life is about moments.
So true. 
But what I'm thankful for is those middle moments,
when you don't quite know how you got where you are,
and you can't quite see the end.
middle moments.
I'm in one, and I despise it,
but I'm thankful for it because sometimes we have to experience the bad to appreciate the good.

The Things that Heal..
Certain things can just fix a broken heart,
for me those things are..
food and music.
food has a way of distracting me, and good food can, for even just a moment, bring happiness.
music soothes the soul, and it has a way of making me feel at ease and helps me forget.

The Beauty in The Breakdown..
I have had one of the hardest weeks of my life.
I'm not sure anyone realizes the heartbreak and ache I've gone and am going through. I'm still trying to get myself back.
But I've realized this,
"Don't be afraid to fall apart, it's a chance to rebuild yourself the way you always wanted to be."
I'm rebuilding, and healing,
 and I'm thankful for the opportunity to.

I'm so blessed. Even though I've complained a lot this week, I still love my life and everything about it. I hope that I show my gratitude more then just once a year, and I pray that I live worthy of this life I love.

Band of Horses - The Funeral by dancarr1981

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