Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Love is Patient

Love is patient.
 love is kind.
 It does not envy.
 It does not boast.
 It is not proud.
 It is not rude.
 it is not self-seeking.
 it is not easily angered.
 it keeps no record of wrongs.
 Love does not delight in evil,
 but rejoices with the truth.
 It always protects,
 always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.
 Love never fails.
 [1 Corinthians 13:4]

Not a day goes by that I don't think about the love you so freely gave me. I know from experience that it isn't easy to do that. And Everyday I thank God that you came into my life when you did. To teach me confidence. To teach me to believe that there is magic in this crazy world. To teach me how to trust. But most importantly to teach me how to love again. I hope you know that, distance means so little when it comes to someone who means so much. I hope you don't forget me. I hope that your feelings for me remain the same. And I pray you carry our memories with you every step of the way. I'm still learning that there are no rules or guidlines when it comes to love. I put my heart on my sleave when it came to you and I'm so glad I had the strength to let you into my life. A month has come and gone since the last time I saw you, since I held you and since we kissed for the last time. But I haven't forgotten how you make me feel. I get butterflies any time I think of you. I hope you know how proud I am, and I hope I cross your mind from time to time. You still have my heart. And I'm still willing to fight to keep yours.

Love is patient...

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