Sunday, July 24, 2011

People Always Leave.

Sometimes things find you just when you need them most.
I believe that.
For me it's usually a song.
A song can instantly change my mood. 
And lately I've needed my music more then ever to keep me sane.
I've lost two people recently.
Two people that mean the world to me.
 I won't see either for two years.
One that I can wait to have back in my arms,
And One that I'm not sure can ever be a part of my life again.
They say, "Missing someone gets easier everyday."
But it doesn't get easier. Every day is just as hard as the first.
I often ask myself why relationships have to be so hard,
I've only yet to realize, that it's because the only thing harder is being alone. 
So I pray for patience to help me get through the times we're not together,
strength to help me accept when life changes and things go wrong,
And grace to help me let go of the things I can't have.
Thats the toughest part.
Letting go.
 That's the part of grace that really sucks.
I was reminded today in a roundabout way that the most perfect act of love is sacrifice.
So while you're away, I'll keep praying for patience, strength and grace.
And rely on my music to help me feel less alone.

People always leave....
But sometimes.... they come back.


I DON'T WANT TO FALL (by Juris Fernandez) by CATTSKI

1 comment:

  1. I know how this goes.
    It's one of the hardest things I've done-especially sayin goodbye to missionaries.
    Just know they miss you as much as you miss them.
    And everything will be ok.
    You don't always have to be so strong; it's okay to breakdown and cry.
    I'm here if you ever wanna talk, I understand more than you probably realize. Take a bubble bath, plug in your ipod, and light some candles. You're gonna be alright Cas. Love you
