Thursday, October 11, 2012

Youth Triangle.

"Whether we like it or not,
 whether we try to or not, 
whether we fight it or not, 
we always end up falling for the one 
who is horribly wrong for us"

I've really come to understand this the last couple weeks. 
We never fall the person we should, the guy that sweet and kind, we fall for the bad boys. The ones that keep us guessing, test our limits and break our hearts.


He's sooo different. 
He's funny and charming, exactly what I need right now.
When we met it was a breath of fresh air.
Finally someone I could just sit and laugh with for hours, and not feel like I had to put up a front.
Things just came easy.
I feel secure with him.

Sounds like heaven right...
Not exactly.
I'm notorious for falling for those so far away from me 
There is nothing I hate more then a long distance relationship.
It has ruined things in the past and I'm concerned that it's going to hinder this one.
I mean how do you begin and build a relationship from 700 miles apart.
You just don't.
I just need him here.


I really didn't think that I'd fall for him.. I honestly didn't.
 I could just tell from the beginning that he was the type of guy to steer clear from.
 Well that plan failed...
At the beginning there were no feelings, and I was okay with that, 
I wanted it like that
Well, I always say... Prepare to be Surprised!

I can without a doubt tell you that I am more than surprised..
I'm shocked.

He wasn't suppose to be caring, or understanding.
He wasn't supposed to listen or ask me how my day was.
He wasn't suppose to make me feel anything
but he did...

I think it's normal to have expectations.
Maybe that's the control freak in me, but I like knowing how people will act and knowing how situations will turn out.
This has definitely thrown me for a loop.
I don't know what to do or how to act now..

I'll admit.. 
I'm a light weight 
easy to fall 
easy to break

That's what makes me so afraid.
I'm afraid to let him in, 
I'm worried he'll prove me right.
on the flip side...
I'm intrigued.
I love how he's taken me by surprise,
and upset my plans.


So now what?!
That's the ugly part.
That's the part I'm trying to avoid.


  1. Go for it. I fell in love with my best friend and when we were beginning to date I woke up sick every morning so terrfied of what could happen. Would it be awkward? would he leave? But I jumped anyway, and it was the best decision I've ever made because theres nothing every like it and even if it doesn't last you got to experience it and most people don't even get that...

    1. Thanks honey!! I needed to hear that! And I love that yours has turned out so well!!
