You're not scared of the dark
you're scared of what's in the dark
you're not afraid of heights
you're afraid of falling
you're not afraid of the people around you
you're afraid of rejection
you're not afraid of love
you're afraid of not being loved in return
you're not afraid to let go
you're afraid to accept the reality that he's gone
you're not afraid to try again
you're afraid of getting hurt for the same reason
Think of all the things we could do if we had no fear.
"For God has not given us the spirit offear, but of Power, and of Love, and of Sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7
I've always had this motivation to be this perfect person that I'm not. That's what I'm afraid of. Not being enough. Not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough.
And I've struggled with it for a long time, but I'm trying to move past my fear. I'm trying to accept that I'm not going to be perfect, and that I'm not going to meet all the expectations that have been set for me.
Someone once told me,
that the worst mistake anyone can make is to be too afraid to make one.
So I'm making mistakes and learning as I go
Replacing my Fear with
Think of all the things we could do if we had no fear.
"For God has not given us the spirit of
2 Timothy 1:7
I've always had this motivation to be this perfect person that I'm not. That's what I'm afraid of. Not being enough. Not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough.
And I've struggled with it for a long time, but I'm trying to move past my fear. I'm trying to accept that I'm not going to be perfect, and that I'm not going to meet all the expectations that have been set for me.
Someone once told me,
that the worst mistake anyone can make is to be too afraid to make one.
So I'm making mistakes and learning as I go
Replacing my Fear with
LOVE. I love you Casey Cook!!!!!