Friday, July 15, 2011

Love Finds You.

Sometimes it's easier to feel like you're the only one in the world who's struggling, who's frustrated, unsatisfied or barely getting by but that feelings a lie and if you just hold on. 
Just find the courage to face it all another day, someone or something will find you and make it all okay because we all need a little help sometimes. 
Someone to help us hear their music in the world.
 To remind us it won't always be this way.
That someone is out there,
and that someone was you.
Jordan Ryan Burke.
It was over for me from the moment we met. That adorable dimple, gorgeous smile and that unforgettable personality. 
And even though we only spent a little over a month together, I feel like I've known you my whole life.
You have been such a great example to me,
and I look up to you so much.
There are so many people out there that will tell you that you can't. And when they do, all you have to say is "watch me". That's exactly what you did and I'm so proud of you.
You have taught me so many life lessons that I don't think I would have learned from anyone else.
Thank you for that!!
You believed in me when it felt like everyone had given up. 
You cared when everyone had turned their back.
And you came into my life in a time were I needed you most.
I've loved getting to know everything about you.
I love your family.
I love your gorgeous sisters.
I love buddy and his goofy teeth.
I love your friends, and who you are around them.
I love it all!
But most importantly, You.
You are extraordinary!
You're kindness is overwhelming
And you make me want to be a better person.
Even though it's killing me to let you go,
I'm so excited for you! You are going to do incredible things in Virgina, and will be blessing so many lives, just like you blessed mine.
Don't ever forget how amazing you are.
I sure won't.
Be strong and have faith.
I'm proud of you Jord. Extremely proud.
See you in two.

You don't find Love. Love finds you.

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